What is TopSciFiBooks?

We here at TopSciFiBooks love science fiction novels. 

Our goal is to create a site where you can find only the best of the best science fiction books all in one nice and easy to navigate place. 

So that is why we have created this site Top Sci-Fi Books. It's easy to use and has up to date lists on all genres in science fiction. 

Who Are We?

Michael loves to not only read Science Fiction but also has a hobby of traveling all around the world. His favorite place he's been is Thailand. 

Jessica is another lover for the SciFiWorld with her all-time favorite movie being Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. She also enjoys to cook and create new dishes with her kids. 

Lastly there's Dave. Dave is not only a reader of the SciFi genre but has also written a couple books himself. So when he's not on TopSciFiBooks.com creating awesome content he'd prefer to be in his office writing his next novel.